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Immune System

The immune system consists of organs, cells and proteins that maintain the health of our body by detecting germs that enter our body and destroys them.

Allergies & Asthma

Nettles Best choice for allergies. Can take as infusion or tincture.


Cold and Flu

Herbs that assist with healing and alleviating symptoms of cold, flu, fever, and sore throat.

Garlic One of the most potent antibacterial and antiviral. Best if taken fresh.

Linden Promotes sweating which can help reduce fevers. 

Yarrow Great for fevers.

Thyme Can take as tea or tincture for chest congestion.

Sage Prepare tea and gargle for sore throat.

Ginger Great for nausea. Prepare as infusion.

Goldenseal Endangered due to over harvesting. 

Pleurisy Root Prepare as decoction for pain due to pleurisy.

Slippery Elm Eases sore throats and cough


Immune Supporting

Herbs that support a healthy immune system and also assist with healing from illness. These are herbs that can be taken regularly to maintain a healthy immune system.

Echinacea Excellent for immune support but due to over harvesting it's getting endangered. Please ethically source.

Elder Berries are often prepared in a syrup. Be sure not to consume berries raw. 


Respiratory Illness

Herbs that assist with healing from respiratory issues such as plugged sinuses, cough, chest congestion, and bronchial inflammation.

Mullein One of the top herbs for respiratory illnesses. Best smoked or prepared as infusion.

Red Clover Helps to clear mucus out of the lungs.



These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any diseases. If you are under the care of a health care provider and/or taking prescription medication, check with your health care provider before taking any herbal supplement.