The system that includes the heart and blood vessels. It is the function of this system to move blood throughout the body and distribute oxygen, nutrients, and hormones to various muscles and organs.
Blood Cleansing
Herbs that are good for detoxifying the body by removing toxins from the blood.
Dandelion Great liver tonic and also diuretic.
Yellow Dock Excellent for the liver and also high in iron.
Burdock Easily obtained and also great for lymph drainage.
Herbs that are helpful in lowering blood pressure and, in some cases, removing excess fluid from the body which can help relieve hypertension.
Hawthorn Excellent for taking daily for overall heart health.
Dandelion Its diuretic effect can help reduce blood pressure.
Irregular Heartbeat
Herbs that assist in normalizing an irregular heartbeat. We recommend taking both:
Valerian Best prepared as infusion or tincture. Take before bed as valerian can make you drowsy.
Hawthorn Great overall heart tonic. Can be prepared as infusion, tincture, or syrup.
Poor Circulation
Herbs that increase blood circulation and help tonify the heart. This usually takes the form of cold hands and feet. We recommend taking one or both of:
Cayenne Pepper Strengthens blood vessels.
Ginger Has blood thinning properties.
In addition, if you have a family history of heart disease.
We recommend taking one or both of:
Garlic One of our top choices. Take 1 clover, preferably raw, per day.
Hawthorn First choice for heart tonic.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any diseases. If you are under the care of a health care provider and/or taking prescription medication, check with your health care provider before taking any herbal supplement.