
Integumentary and Lymphatic Systems

The integumentary system is the system of skin, hair, nails, and its associated glands and organ. It is the largest system of the body and acts as a barrier between the outside environment and internal environment.

The lymphatic system produces, stores, and carries white blood cells that are used by our body to fight infection.

Lymphatic Cleansers

Herbs that cleanse the lymphatic system. Keeping the lymphatic system clear and moving assists the immune system and organs of the body in maintaining proper fluid balance and toxin elimination.

Burdock Stimulates lymphatic drainage.

Calendula Supports the movement of lymph.


Skin conditions

Herbs that assist with alleviating and healing skin conditions such as rashes, psoriasis, eczema, and boils.

Burdock Best taken internally.

Plantain Excellent when used externally.

Oats Eases skin conditions when used externally. Oatmeal baths help soothe irritated skin. 

Calendula  Use externally for rashes and skin irritations. Gentle enough to use externally on children and infants.


Cuts, Bruises, and Wounds

Yarrow Used topically to help stop bleeding and assists in wound healing.

Calendula When used topically, it helps wound healing by increasing blood flow and oxygen to the affected area. 




Calendula Increases blood flow and oxygen to the affected area to assist in healing, as well as keeping the skin hydrated.


Skin and Hair Health

Herbs that promote skin health and stimulate hair growth.






These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any diseases. If you are under the care of a health care provider and/or taking prescription medication, check with your health care provider before taking any herbal supplement.