
Discover Prosperity In Your Kitchen

Mar 24th 2024

Discover Prosperity In Your Kitchen

While many herbs used for prosperity may not be readily available, there are some that could very well be sitting in your kitchen cupboard right now. Let's take a closer look at the magic of some common kitchen spices. 

Basil: While basil is often used for cleansing and purification, it can also be used to attract abundance. Make an herb sachet packet to keep in your wallet or purse using basil. It can also be added to prosperity baths or dried basil leaves can be added to money drawing prosperity incense blends. Some would also say that the simple act of holding basil leaves with you intention or merely cooking with it will draw abundance.

Cinnamon: Cinnamon can be added to money drawing incense blends or to spiritual baths. It can also be added to an anointing oil to dress candles for prosperity as well.

Bay Leaves: Put a bay leaf in your wallet to draw prosperity. You can also write your intentions on a bay leaf and add to a money drawing herb sachet that you can keep in your purse or wallet. 

Allspice: Add allspice to herb sachets for prosperity, prosperity spiritual bath blends or incense blends.

Even just cooking using these herbs and spices with intention can add power to your prosperity work. Often in folklore, may common and exotic herbs that we now associate with spiritual work were not known or available, so our ancestors made the most of what was available. Herbs and spices come from plants, and our ancestor utilized all aspects of the plants including their energy.