Alterative: gradually restores proper function in the body and increases health and vitality
Analgesic: assists in reducing pain taken internally or applied externally; also referred to as Anodyne
Anodyne: assists in reducing pain taken internally or applied externally; also referred to as Analgesic
Antacid: assists in neutralizing acid in the stomach and small intestine
Anthelmintic: expels worms from the digestive system
Antiabortives: helps to inhibit abortive tendencies
Antiasthmatics: helps relieves symptoms of asthma
Antibilious: assists in removing excess bile from the body
Antibiotics: inhibits the growth of or destroys bacteria, viruses, or amoebas
Anticatarrhals: eliminates or counteracts the formation of mucus
Anti-emetic: helps reduce nausea and may help to relieve or prevent vomiting
Anti-inflammatory: assists the body in reducing inflammation
Anti-lithic: helps to prevent the formation of stones in the urinary system, can also assist in removing them
Anti-microbial: assists the body in destroying pathogenic micro-organisms
Antipyretics: helps reduce or prevent fevers, also referred to as Febrifuge
Antiseptic: applied externally to prevent the growth of bacteria
Antispasmodic: helps prevent or relax muscle spasms
Aperient: mild laxative
Aphrodisiac: help to improve sexual potency and power
Aromatic: herbs that have a strong odor that can assist in stimulating the digestive system
Astringent: substance that has a constricting or binding effect
Bitter: herbs that have a bitter taste and stimulates the digestive system
Carminative: helps relieve gas and cramping in the bowel
Cholagogues: promotes flow of bile into the small intestine, also stimulates bowels
Demulcent: soothing, mucilaginous substance taken internally to protect inflamed tissue
Diaphoretic: induces sweating
Diuretic: increases the flow of urine
Emetic: induces vomiting
Emmenagogue: promotes menstruation
Emollient: softens, soothes and protects the skin
Expectorant: expels mucus from the lungs and throat
Febrifuge: assists the body in reducing fevers, also referred to as Antipyretic
Galactogogues: increases milk production and secretion
Hemostatic: assists in stopping hemorrhaging
Hepatic: assists the liver and helps to increase the flow of bile
Hypnotic: helps to induce sleep (not a hypnotic trance)
Laxative: promotes bowel movements
Lithotriptics: helps dissolve and eliminate urinary and gall stones
Mucilage: herbs that contain a gelatinous substance
Nervine: helps to calm nervous tension and nourishes the nervous system
Oxytocics: helps to stimulate uterine contractions to induce labor
Parasiticides: destroys digestive and skin parasites
Pectoral: respiratory tonic that assists in strengthening and healing the respiratory system
Rubefacient: promotes blood flow to the surface of the skin
Sedative: helps to quiet the nervous system
Sialagogue: stimulates the flow of saliva
Soporific: helps to induce sleep
Stimulant: increases circulation and energy of the body
Stomachic: helps to nourish and promote normal functioning of the stomach
Stryptic: assists in stopping bleeding externally
Tonic: promotes the normal function of the systems of the body and nourish the body
Vulnerary: encourages cell growth and repair to heal wounds